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MOM Household

Moms if you want to live a clutter-free life, then this binder will help you organize your life in an incredible way so that you can get to your most important information quickly. Get this & organize your life in the best possible way today.

Hi, I’m Rupal!

Welcome to Totally MOM-Sense. I am Rupal Srivastava, the mommy blogger behind the scene. I had started this beautiful blog a few years back, to share my life as a new mom with my brand new baby girl while living in a very cold city in Western NY. This blog what began with me sharing the things that I love actually helped me in discovering my real true passions in life that is helping moms around to make their mom life easier. Totally MOM-Sense is a parenting platform, where moms can find unlimited resources to keep their kids engaged as well as teach them important life skills, find helpful motivation towards being a happy mom and a lot more resources to enjoy a happy family life!

Getting your newborn to sleep at night can be a challenging endeavor. Totally MOM-Sense is a blog that provides valuable tips for new moms with newborns and babies. Motherhood can be a rollercoaster of emotions, particularly for single mothers. Mothers need to be happy to impart happiness to their children. Totally MOM-Sense understands the importance of maintaining a work-life balance for working mothers, which is why this blog is devoted to assisting single mothers balancing work and family.

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