Are you looking for an easy morning routine to make your morning stress – free as a working mom? Check out this simple 5-step easy morning routine that has worked very well for me to manage my time as a working mom.

Lately, I have always been in a constant battle with time. Life just seems to get more and busier. Initially, when Mishika was a baby, it was about getting in a good morning routine on how to breastfeed, pump and get the baby dressed all in time to be able to show up to work on time. I thought that this was the hard phase, once my daughter grows up it will get easier. (haha… who was I kidding!!).

Now once again I find myself in a toddler phase, where my routine revolves around running after a super active toddler, trying to get her dressed, packing her stuff for her daycare and getting breakfast ready, doing all this while trying to keep sane and get ready for work… Well, I know one thing for sure, life from here will only get more and busier. Soon my daughter will be in preschool, then kindergarten, there will be more birthday parties to attend, sports practices and school projects and whatnot.

Not to overthink and jump too ahead I would like to target one task at a time. How do you keep sane and get everything done in time? Well, there is only one answer to that, that is starting the day right and that is when my simple five-step easy morning routine has helped me a lot in this.

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I have a simple 5-step easy morning routine that helps me get my entire day in order. I am able to get dressed, have breakfast ready, have everything that my daughter needs for her daycare packed, be able to drop her to school in time and also most importantly show up at work in time. It sounds like a lot but it’s actually very simple!

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So are you all ready to find out an easy and effective morning routine for working mom to have a very productive morning with zero chaos and stress! Here it is.

1. Pick out your entire family outfits a night before

Although the title of my blog post says ‘Morning Routine for a Working Mom’, my morning routine actually starts a night before the next day. One of the biggest chaos that I used to face in the mornings was finding clean outfits for my daughter as well as for myself to wear to work. The practice of picking out our outfits a night before and keeping them folded in a clean place has come in so handy. There is no stress about finding clean clothes in the morning and after being able to do this for so long now, I have actually started to enjoy the process of picking out our outfits. You won’t believe how creative you will start to get with your outfits planning with time.

Related: 10 tips to balance work and family as a mom

2. Get 8 hours of good night sleep

This is so important. A well-rested body is a well-rested mind. I could not agree with this more. Every time, I have had less sleep or a tough night with Mishika, my entire next day gets completely messed up. I start the day late, everything feels messy and I feel completely lost. I get that, after having a baby sleep does become a luxury!

I have had in the past and still have many tough nights when Mishika is not well or she just does not want to let go of me in the night, but the goal of having a good routine is always trying to make the best of what you have. 90% of the nights now I do sleep on a set time in the night and wake up at a set time in the morning which helps me stick to a good routine in the morning.

Related: Tips on successful transition for returning back to work after maternity leave

3. Wake up an hour before your kid

In the past, I have written a complete blog post on how waking up before your child will change your life for the better. I wake up an hour before Mishika and it is my most productive hour when the house is the quietest. It’s my ‘golden hour’! During that one hour, I get to spend some alone time with myself, meditate, get dressed, and get breakfast ready before everyone wakes up. Initially, I use to struggle with being able to wake up early but now it has become an easy thing to do.

Related: Why waking up an hour before your kid will change your life

4. Keep breakfast simple

Breakfast is the first meal of the day and so it has to be the most healthy one too. Don’t try to cook complicated dishes in the morning, the weekends are there for that. Keep your breakfast very simple like cereals or an egg-cheese sandwich or maybe bake a few pancakes. I like to plan my meals a week ahead on the weekend and write it on this magnetic chalkboard (that I have been using for a very long time) and stick it to my fridge. This way I have a good visual of what we are going to eat in the morning and that saves me a lot of time.


5. Finally, hug & kiss goodbye

Finally, the last part is the best part! I love kissing and hugging my daughter before dropping her to school. This is such a beautiful habit and it will make your kid happy, help them understand that they are going to be away from you for some time until they see you again in the evening.

Forming a routine is tough but once you have that in place, you will feel more productive, zero-stress, and a lot of happiness in your life which in return will give your child a very positive life. For now, Mishika goes to daycare, I still don’t have to pack her lunches but I am sure that time will be here before I know it. 🙂 You can use my simple 5-step morning routine and customize it according to your needs. The only thing that you need to remember for a routine to be successful is to always ‘PLAN AHEAD’! 🙂

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working mom
working mom
working mom
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