Are you a happy mom all the time? Find 15 simple habits that can help you develop a positive attitude towards parenting and in turn become a more happy mom.
Are you a happy mom all the time? Haha.. I am sure even you (my dear readers) must be smiling reading this. Don’t get me, wrong guys, I feel extremely blessed and fortunate to be a parent but am I always upbeat, cheerful and a happy mom (the kind of person that I am)..well that’s hard to say. I am only human, I do have my ups and downs with spurts of different kind of emotions all the time. Sometimes they are in capacity but sometime they just overflow.
At times I have found myself overflowing with extremely satisfying emotions and feeling a lot of gratitude towards this beautiful life but I have also found myself wanting to lock myself in a closet crying my heart out feeling completely lost. It’s tough trying to be it all and it’s tougher when you have no help around you or someone to pat your back and tell you that you are doing a great job.
Being a parent, watching your kids speak their first words, or when they learn to give you a little kiss on their cheek or when they ask you and hug you if they find you uncomfortable, does bring immense joy. I still remember the first time when Mishika said ‘I love you’, I had tears in my eyes. If there is so much happiness that can be found within us then why does it disappear when things start to get tough, tiring, or exhausting? Well, the simple answer to that is that ‘we are humans’. If we don’t feel such emotions then there is no difference between us and the bots.
So guys, today’s blog post is all about me sharing some of my simple habits and a few more that I have found from my research of how you can strive to have a healthy and positive attitude towards parenting and in turn become a more happy mom.
A little disclosure from my side before you get into the post, personally I follow close to seven habits from the below list of fifteen. I hope to be able to imbibe all the fifteen in my daily lifestyle one day :). Pick and choose what suits your lifestyle and practice it again and again till it becomes a good habit engraved in your schedule.
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15 Simple habits of a happy mom
1. Practice more gratitude in your life
I have started to practice this simple habit very regularly in the morning. Every morning I spend a few minutes as soon as I wake up thinking about the three things that I feel blessed about that day. I have noticed that by practicing gratitude in my life on a regular basis has helped me feel happier and infuse a lot of positive thoughts in my life.
2. Become more organized
Being organized in your life does go a really long way. I have reaped a lot of benefits in my life by practicing this in my daily lifestyle. Simple chores like planning weekly meals, planning outfits beforehand, or getting organized for upcoming major family events do help a lot. It can help free your mind of all the stress and help you enjoy your moments more.
3. Increase your playtime with your kids
Studies have shown that vitamin D can help elevate your mood and make you feel more positive and happy. And it’s even better if you club it with your kids by having some playtime sessions with them outside. This simple habit if practiced daily can do wonders for your mood, make you feel happier and help you foster a stronger relationship with your kids. You can read my previous blogpost of the ‘benefits of playtime with your kids’ here.
4. Give kudos to your partner who is also sharing as much of the workload with you
Raising kids is not easy and top it off with managing home, full-time jobs, keeping up with your social life, and a lot more can get extremely overwhelming. If you have a partner who is willing to share this load with you, it does make you a very lucky person. It’s always good to give credit to your partner who is as busy as you are and thank them for always being there by your side. This can help you and your partner feel more connected while enjoying the process of parenting.
5. Find a hobby that gives you happiness
Ok, this sweet habit goes a long way. I always like to engage myself with something that I like and I am someone who does have a lot of hobbies. Doing things that you love will make you happy and also help you feel more connected with yourself that in turn will bring more satisfaction in your life.
6. Try and imbibe a 30 minutes workout routine in your daily lifestyle
Working out regularly can bring an enormous sense of well being. Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, and a lot more. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood.
7. Wake up early in the morning before your kid wakes up
I have been doing this for almost a year now and it’s my favorite habit. Every morning I wake up an hour before my daughter and I have realized how much I have begun to cherish and enjoy my one hour of peace and solitude in the morning. I consider this my power hour where it’s all about me. Waking up an hour before my kid has helped me plan my day efficiently, get dressed for work in peace and also take care of minor tasks like breakfast and emails without having to look out for anything else.
8. Start meditating
After I had started waking up at 6 AM in the morning, I decided to commit myself to a 5 minutes simple meditation. I would just wake up, wash my face and sit by the side of my bed and close my eyes for 5 minutes and think nothing. I never thought of myself as someone who would meditate but I cannot describe what a big difference just 5 minutes of meditation can make in your life. Those 5 minutes, when I shut my mind completely I can feel a sense of peace within and it helps me calm down and relax.
9. Spend some alone couple time
Spending some couple time and doing activities together that make both of you happy that can help both of you make your bond stronger, manage difficult situations with more patience, and help rejuvenate your bond.
10. Have some girl time with your girlfriends
Having your own tribe that has your back all the time. Isn’t that great? Spending time with your girlfriends, sharing your ups and down with them can help you take some stress out of your life and relax. I love spending time with my girlfriends. It’s such a great to relax and unwind from all the things around me.
11. Speak to your family back home more often
Going back to your folks and reconnecting with them can help you feel and connected to your own self. Being able to share your feelings and emotion with your parents or loved ones can lighten one’s heart as well as the mind.
12. Plan some monthly fun events happening around you to explore as a family
So important. From my experience doing things as a family together can bring immense joy. The other day we all were feeling so exhausted by being indoors the entire weekend and Mishika was getting really cranky. So, we decided to step out and visit a local park. It bought us so much happiness and also we were able to spend such a good time as a family together.
13. Teach your kids good habits and add them to their daily lifestyle
Teaching your little one good habits can be wonderful not only for the kids but also for the parents in many ways. It can help your child develop a good routine, practice health & wellness, and in turn, help create a peaceful environment at home. You can read my previous blogpost of the ‘10 reasons why routine in kids is important’ here.
14. Plan your finances well
Having a proper financial planning can help keep peace of mind. Having money insecurities or improper financial planning can feel extremely stressful and mentally exhausting. Try and educate yourself on tips and tricks to manage your finances well.
15. Don’t be too hard on yourself
Give yourself credit for all the hard work that you are putting in. Parenting, maintaining a good work-life balance is hard stuff and do require a lot of patience from one’s end. You are doing a great job. Give yourself credit for that!!
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Hey Rupal,
Life is stressful and motherhood is downright hard pretty much all the time.
In my opinion – being able to create good habits and stick with them can be life changing for everyone.
For moms walking outside in early morning for half an hour can value adding moment to their life.
Meditation, yoga and exercises are great option to add happiness in life.
Eventually, thanks for sharing your healthy experience with us.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar