A mother breastfeeding her newborn.

Becoming a mother is a life-changing experience, one that brings endless joys and some challenges along the way. New mothers especially tend to worry about the breastfeeding process and are afraid of not doing it correctly. While experienced mothers might provide sound advice, others might just cause confusion. In cases like these, it’s vital for you to separate facts from myths to ensure a smooth and easy breastfeeding time. Lucky for you, we’ve done some of the work by dispelling popular myths. So, you can feel empowered and have confidence in your body and this beautiful experience:

Myth #1: Breastfeeding is Extremely Painful

Many mothers tend to fear that the latching can be painful and uncomfortable. We won’t deny that during the early weeks, many tend to experience nipple pain after the first attachment. If this pain lasts for long, it’s better to seek help from a lactation consultant. However, we must remind you that nipple pain is bearable, and some even describe this as minor discomfort. This pain usually wears off over time, and once you and your baby get used to the latching, you’ll notice how different the experience will be.

Myth #2: You Can’t Take Any Medications while Breastfeeding.

We’re glad to dispel this myth as most medications are safe to take while breastfeeding. However, it’s always best to be on the safe side and consult with your doctor before taking any prescription, over-the-counter medication, and supplements. It’s rare that you’ll have to stop breastfeeding to take a medication, but in case, you are, simply using a breast pump will ensure your breast production is on track until you can begin again.

A mother breastfeeding her newborn

Myth #3: Breasts with Flat or Inverted Nipples Can’t Breastfeed

Every woman has different types of nipples. Some might be flat or inverted, which can possibly make latching slightly challenging. However, you don’t need to worry. Sometimes, when you start breastfeeding, the nipples come out themselves. If not, you can still breastfeed by using techniques like stimulating the nipples before latching. Consult with a lactation expert for the best advice that’s unique to your case.

Worried about your baby not latching well or not waking to feed? Totally MOM-sense is your go-to place for all mom-related questions. This is an online platform that’s created to make moms’ life easier. We aim to connect all moms who experience similar challenges and provide helpful tips and advice. Whether you’re worried about your newborn not sleeping at night, balancing mom and work life, or even cognitive development activities for your child—you’ll find it all here. Check out our blogs today, and subscribe to our newsletter or check our free printable for more information.