Happy 4th of July friends! I hope you are all geared up for the day and excited to spend it with family and friends. July 4th has always been such a special day for me and rings back to such fond memories of friends get together, sharing laughs, kids playing with the sprinklers in the garden, firing up our grill and finally driving down to Niagara Falls or our university in Buffalo to catch some amazing fireworks.
I love watching everyone around me celebrating, dancing, and wearing the red, blue and white colors in some or the other way. This year our July 4th plan is a little different from what we would usually do. With July 4th falling on a Thursday, we decided to drive down to meet our old friends in New Jersey and visit one of our favorite cities for the weekend ‘New York City’. We might even try to hit the Atlantic City on one of the days of the weekend if time permits (if Mishika permits haha).
I was very excited to find a twinning outfit with Mishika for July 4th. This is my first time twinning with her! Can you believe it! I have never twinned with her before. It was amazing to show Mishika what I was wearing today. For a long time, she kept touching my romper and hers and speaking out loud in ‘toddler gibberish’ showing her excitement. Haha…
Motherhood lately has been so much fun. With Mishika now being eighteen months, I feel like I am in a little better control of my life although it has started to get a little tad more tiring too (but the blame is in summer) – we are unable to stay indoors!!!
Ok, guys, I am going to get back to irritating Mayank with my non-stop chatter while he is patiently driving us to the city and also try to put Mishika to sleep.. (I really hope she sleeps for some time, we are on eight hours long drive).
“Wishing you all a very happy 4th of July and also have a great weekend ahead!”
Note to self: Nothing is worth stressing over. Give yourself your time, to pause and just to enjoy the moment to the fullest

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