PREGNANCY! This journey began with me not even knowing it, and ended with the happiest day of my life – the day I met my baby girl. It just feels like yesterday when I saw a faint plus sign on my pregnancy test stick, I was already five weeks pregnant! My first reaction was “Is it even true?” Mayank and I celebrated this news by having momma’s pancakes at one of our favorite restaurant Cracker Barrel. From then started my nine months journey which took me to strange new places, like my OB/GYN appointments, childbirth classes, baby shops, etc. As being pregnant for the first time I had no idea what to expect and did what any new parents would do, bought myself many pregnancy books to read on. During my first trimester, everything felt surreal. I was trying to get used to the idea of being pregnant with some morning sickness kicking into my system. Week 8 was very exciting for me as it was the first time I could see my baby and feel her heartbeat. I even got an image of her to take home and share the news with my loved ones.

Soon I moved into the second phase of my pregnancy “second trimester” also known as the “honeymoon period” and it truly is. During the eighteenth week, I found out that we were going to have a baby girl. I was over the moon. Everything felt more real as now I could feel her kicks and the most awaited “bump” started to show. Now with the visible belly showing the secret was out in the open and I also started receiving gracious compliments from everyone. Even though this trimester felt the longest but it was also the most energetic one with lots of kayaking, nursery planning, maternity clothes shopping, feeling my growing baby bump, enjoying the belly kicks, and sharing the news with everyone.

Finally, I arrived at the last stop before the final destination also known as the third trimester. This trimester was super busy for me with a babymoon trip, baby shower hosted by my amazing friends, pregnancy photoshoot, planning for the baby basic stuff, and the hospital bag before the delivery. Also during this time, I was heavily bloated, huge with a big round belly and tired most of the time. I had gained almost 40 pounds and was exhausted from carrying it around. I was feeling Mishika’s kicks more and more strongly and was dying to hold her in my arms. My third trimester flew the fastest with so many things to do and even though this was the toughest and most tiring trimester, it was the quickest one for me.

Below are a few of my moments during my pregnancy journey.


First Trimester Moments

Second Trimester Moments

Third Trimester Moments

Having gone through these 9 months in pregnancy here are my three tips for all you guys who are going to be parents soon.

  1. Spend as much as a couple of time with your partner as once the baby arrives you both will be super busy that it will be hard to find time for each other. Taking care of a newborn for the first few months is exhausting and you are mostly sleep deprived and adjusting to your new lifestyle. So, go on a date, plan a babymoon, watch a movie, go for evening walks, etc.
  2. Spend some ‘ME’ time with yourself as once your little one is here most of your time will be spent in taking take of the baby and it will be difficult for the initial few months to make time for yourself. Do what you like or what brings you happiness like shopping, a visit to the salon, girls’ night out, etc.
  3. Lastly, sleep as much as you can as a full night sleep is what you will long for the most. Newborn babies can only eat in small amounts at once and hence wakes up multiple times in the night for the feed. So enjoy your sleep for now.

Being a mother is one of the most beautiful things that I have done in my life. Even though I miss having some me time for myself, going out on dates or my sleep I am the happiest when I am holding my three months old in my arms and watching her grow more and more day by day. Pregnancy is a very magical experience so make sure to enjoy it to the fullest.


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totally mom-sense