snow painting winter activity for kids

Wondering what to do with all the snow around you? Bring it inside and let your little ones have fun painting it and watching all the colors mix as the snow starts to melt.

Although it’s March here which is pretty much the start of Spring weather everywhere around, but out here in Buffalo, we still can expect snow until April mid.

So what do we do to pass time around when it’s still below freezing outside – try and do some indoor activities to keep my daughter busy at home.

I had stumbled upon this activity on a whim. I had made some watercolor bins and had given my daughter a brush to paint her snowman outside, and even before we could spend five minutes outside, my daughter started to complain about her hands hurting and it getting too cold. So we had to chuck the activity and went indoors.

But something about watching the water colors get absorbed by the snow really fascinated me and I wanted to be able to do this activity with my daughter as I pretty well knew that she would love it.

So to set this activity up, I pulled out a plastic storage bin that I had got from Walmart and filled it with a bunch of snow.

snow painting winter activity for kids

I took a few plastic bowls that I had purchased from dollar tree and made five colouful watercolors and set a few brushes in each of them.

I gave this snow bin to my daughter and she absolutely loved it. She easily spent close to 35 – 45 minutes just painting the snow and then moved on to making snowballs with her handtools. She also pulled in a few animal toys and played with them in the snow bin.

snow painting winter activity for kids

It was such an easy activity and all it required was snow, which I am pretty sure that if you are reading this you probably have a ton of it lying in your backyard. Also a few other things (all shared in the post below).

I hope you enjoy doing this activity with your little ones and hopefully, it makes the winter season all the more fun!

Related. Need more winter activities for kids. Check this post out for 17+ creative winter activities that your kids will love.

If you are looking for the perfect solution to keep your kids entertained indoors while sparking their curiosity. This 30+ Winter Activity Pack is the ultimate solution. 


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snow painting winter activity for kids

Snow Painting for kids

An easy winter activity that kids of any age will absolutely love!

Things you need for snow painting

Related: Also checkout 25 engaging winter activities for kids (from preschool to grade school)

How to set it up

All you need for this easy to do activity is add some snow in the storage bin. Mix food colors in the water and make four different colours and throw in some paintbrushes in each bowl.

Let your toddler have fun painting and mixing the colours.

snow painting winter activity for kids

What does your little one learn from foil painting?

  • Fine Motor skills – By using the paintbrush your little one will be able to strengthen his muscles and improve his motor skills
  • Colors – Exploring and mixing the different colours together will be a great learning activity for your little one. Also, it is very fascinating to watch the colors melt together.
  • Learn about the weather – Talk to your little one about the winter season and how the weather changes
  • Creativity – Just let your little one explore and be creative

Also if you are interested in a few more indoor activities with kids. Try foil painting an easy art activity for kids, teach your kids puffy painting (including a free printable), decorate a tree and many more.

Explore the new “All About Me” scrapbook designed for kids! This engaging tool promotes self-discovery, creativity, and family bonding through interactive prompts, fun layouts, and memorable keepsakes.

SHOP NOW ONLY FOR $12. It’s the perfect keep busy activity for your little ones.


indoor toddler activities


indoor toddler activities


indoor toddler activities
