Help your toddler form healthy habits for life and learn discipline by following a good toddler schedule. Find simple tips here to keep in mind to set up a successful toddler schedule.
I had read somewhere long back which I found really interesting that toddlers are little misunderstood humans. Parents often find toddlers difficult to handle. With terrible twos and their often disagreement to do simple things like brushing teeth or keeping things in place, these situations can seem overly challenging at times to handle.
But I would like to share a new picture of a toddler with you!
Toddlers live in the present moment.
Toddlers are innocent.
Toddlers just react at the moment and never hold any grudges.
Toddlers are true to themselves.
Toddlers love freedom and are always on the move to explore and discover new things around them.
So the next time, you feel like your toddler is doing something on purpose, just remember that your little toddler is just living in the moment and is extremely inquisitive with so many new things around him to explore.
To help your toddler adjust to the new world and help him thrive in his environment, it is extremely important to set up a good and consistent routine so that they are well aware of what is going to come next and do not feel overwhelmed with emotions. Kids thrive on routines especially toddlers as having a good routine can help them form good and healthy habits, they learn to adapt to new transitions easily, they feel safe, and most importantly they know what to expect.
When my daughter became a toddler, she transformed into a completely different person. She was learning new things so quickly, was able to play independently by herself for long, terrible twos were on high and most importantly she had started to say no more frequently.
Running out of ideas to keep your little ones engaged at home for long. Download this FREE 45 list of activities that you can do with your kids to keep them engaged for long.
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1. Create an easy morning and evening routine
How you start the day, helps set the tone for the entire day. Also, the morning routine is highly dependent on the evening routine for your toddler. You can start to introduce an easy morning and evening routine with your toddler which is easy to follow and gives a toddler a lot of downtime to start the morning as well as end the day with ease.
Sample morning routine
- Wake up (keep the time consistent daily)
- Go potty
- Brush teeth
- Breakfast
- Independent playtime
Sample evening routine
- Dinner
- Take bath
- Reading loudly with mom or dad
- Drink milk
- Bedtime

2. Stick to the same wake-up time and bedtime
To form a good routine, it is very important to maintain a constant wake up time and bedtime. Following a similar pattern daily, will help develop structure into your toddler’s routine and it will be easier for him to follow.
Also having a fixed wake-up and bedtime ensures that your toddler is getting the required sleep for 12-14 hours in a day which is very needed for his overall development. Generally, a toddler wakes up anytime between 7 to 8 AM and sleeps between 7:30 to 8 PM.
Related: Why waking up before your kid will change your life
3. Don’t miss the afternoon nap
It is recommended that your toddler should get 12-14 hours of overall sleep which includes 1-3 hours of an afternoon nap. Afternoon naps are very critical and important for your toddler’s well-being. Toddlers are like young humans that have a ton of emotions running through their mind constantly as everything around them is so new for them.
Having a consistent afternoon nap can help your toddler take a break and relax his mind. Also, one year toddlers require anywhere between 1-2 naps a day.
4. Include independent playtime in your toddler schedule
Independent playtime in your toddler schedule is the time when they play on their own.
Independent play is as important as any other form of playtime. They teach your toddler to be self-reliant, creative, imaginative, and even improves focus and thinking capabilities.
I like giving my daughter at least 2 hours of complete independent playtime, where I often notice her telling creative stories to her dolls using her own imagination. In fact, sometimes she even creates a fun scenario like she is their teacher in the school. It is so much fun to watch her play!

5. Always talk to your child about the activity that you are following in the routine
Talking to your kid, every time you change the activity from nap time to snack time or outside playtime is very important. Just talking to your child through the different activities in his routine will help him get more accustomed to his schedule and he would know what to expect next.
6. Be as consistent with the routine as possible
Being consistent is the base of any good and healthy routine. You will notice that every time you change something in his routine or do not follow the same pattern, your toddler will react differently. He can get restless and also cranky at times.
Hence, keeping consistency in the routine as much as possible is the most important thing.
Related: 10 Reasons why routines in kids are important
Download this FREE list of 45 activities for kids to keep them engaged for long hours. From indoor to outdoor activities, find something fun to do with your little ones.
7. Have room for flexibility
Lastly, you should be open to the idea that not every day will look exactly as the day before. Sometimes, you might have an unexpected guest at home or you are on a vacation. On those days try to relax and be open to changes.
A way to make room in your toddler’s schedule for unexpected uncertainties is by not overloading his routine with a ton of activities. Instead, try and follow a simple routine that you can easily change when needed.
Below I have shared three sample routines for toddlers (1-3 years old). I have personally had success following these routines with my daughter (now 21/2 years old).
Sample routine for 1 year old
- 7:00 AM – Wake up
- 7:30/8:30 AM – Morning routine (play, breakfast)
- 9:30 AM – Snack, play
- 10:00 AM – Nap
- 11:30 pm – Wake up, play, lunch
- 2:30 PM – Nap
- 3:30 pm – Wake up, snack, play
- 5:30 pm – Dinner
- 6:00 pm – Bath, storytime
- 7:30 pm – Bedtime
Sample routine for 2 years old
This is the routine I have been following with my daughter. Although on some days, when she is too cranky or the weather outside is bad, I give her screen time during her independent playtime hours to handle the situation.
- 7 AM – Wake up
- 7:30/8:30 AM – Morning routine (potty, brush, breakfast)
- 8:30/9:30 AM – Independent playtime/screen time (if needed)
- 9:30 AM – Snack and playtime with mom or dad (you can either play indoors or outdoor playtime)
- 11:30 AM – Lunch
- 12:30 PM – Nap
- 2:30 PM – Wake up, snuggle and a small snack
- 3:30 PM – Outside playtime
- 5:30 PM/6 PM – Independent playtime
- 6 PM – Dinner
- 7 PM – Bedtime routine (Bath, storytime)
- 8 PM – Bedtime
Sample routine for 3 years old
- 7:30 AM – Wake up
- 7:30/8:30 AM – Morning routine (potty, brush, breakfast)
- 8:30 – Activity time (painting, coloring, etc)
- 9:30 AM – Snack and playtime with mom or dad (you can either play indoors or outdoor playtime)
- 11:30 AM – Lunch
- 1:30 PM – Naptime
- 4:00 PM – Wake up, snuggle, snack
- 4:30 PM – Outside playtime
- 6:00 PM – Dinner
- 7:30 PM – Bedtime routine (Bath, storytime)
- 8:30 PM – Bedtime
Forming a healthy schedule for your toddler has many perks from teaching him discipline to developing confidence in his mind. While forming a schedule for your toddler to be successful, make sure it is easy to follow, comfortable, and fun. If your toddler follows a regular routine and learns to adapt to changes easily, it can only make your parenting life easier. Hence, get your toddler started on a schedule right away!

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