A fun paper towel tunnel wall activity that your toddlers will love passing pom poms through. And this is great for your preschoolers that can help your kids get creative and think outside the box.

This activity is as simple as it sounds and does not need any explanation. To be honest, I would have loved to complicate this activity for my daughter like the one shown here but she kept stripping all the pom poms from the wall until she realized what I was trying to do.

And once she got a hang of it, the picture does not do any justice to the amount of time she spent playing with it. It all started with pom poms passing through the empty paper towel tunnels, but soon it was her small toys and colors, etc. It was amazing to watch the excitement on her face 🙂

So as you can see from the image all you really need for this activity are the empty paper towels. Don't throw them away once used they can come in super handy for may more activities as these or you can also buy a bunch of these empty paper towels from Amazon like me and store them for your kid's future art & crafts activities.

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popsicle sticks picker

Important skills developed

  • Fine motor skills
  • Learn about patterns
  • Gravity for older kids (make them a complicated tunnel wall like this one)
  • Learn to count

Things you will need

Activity set up

So are you ready to set up an easy paper towel tunnel wall for your toddlers? All you need are some empty paper towels and tape!

popsicle sticks picker

I chose to make a really simple tunnel wall for my toddler as she kept stripping off the paper towels from the wall. But it is a great idea to add a few more paper towels to this set up to show how them how pom poms are transferred from one roll to the other.

Remember! If your child likes to eat everything fallen to the ground then probably it's a good idea to skip the pom poms as they are really small and give them something a little bigger to play with.

This paper towel tunnel wall activity is a very simple activity and also it is a great hit for a little older kids as well as you can play around with the design of the tunnel wall or better give your older kids a challenge to design a complicated paper towel tunnel all by themselves.

Great activity to teach them about gravity and patterns!

paper towel tunnel wall
