Honestly, I have been trying to create the perfect green smoothie recipe for like ever. I am someone who loves her greens and is instantly drawn towards anything healthy. So with summer here, something cold always sounds tempting and so I have been trying for so long to create the perfect healthy green drink ‘not too sweet or not too bland’ packed with good and nutritious ingredients. I tried making this smoothie with dairy, non-dairy, kale, spinach, mangoes, bananas, chia seeds, and a lot more and I am happy to say that I have found myself the perfect green drink that I suppose I am going to be having a lot this summer.

This green drink is packed with nourishing and flavored ingredients that your health can reap a lot of benefits from. I enjoy making this green smoothie in a batch and cooling it in the refrigerator so that I can enjoy it on hot sunny days. As we go along this blogpost, I will be sharing the recipe that has worked great for me, and later on, discusses how each ingredient in this smoothie can play a great role in your healthy lifestyle.

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Prep time:

5-10 minutes

Serving size:



1 cup of green (spinach or kale)

2 cups of water

1 tspn turmeric powder

1 tspn flaxseed meal

1 banana

1 ginger root

1 freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 cup of fruit (I have used peaches, pears & cherries)


Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Keep in the refrigerator for a few hours and serve cool.

Now, that you have the recipe, let’s talk about how each ingredient can benefit you.

  1. Greens (spinach or kale) – Leafy greens like spinach or kale are high in vitamin C and are crucial for the building and maintenance of collagen, which provides structure to your skin and hair. The calcium in spinach or kale can help strengthen your bones to fight against injury and the other ingredients that these greens are packed with help fight against colon and breast cancers.
  2. Turmeric powder – As an indian, I use turmeric powder a lot in my cooking. Besides the flavor that this powder can add to your recipe, studies in the past has shown scientifically-proven health benefits from turmeric with a potential to prevent heart disease and cancer. Also it’s inflammatory and antioxidant properties can help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.
  3. Flaxseed meal – Flaxseed are loaded with nutrients and are high in omega-3 fats which has been linked to a healthy heart. Also they are rich in dietary fibers that can improve your digestive health. I enjoy having 1 tsp of flaxseed meal with my cereals in the morning.
  4. Banana – Bananas are a great source of vitamin C and can help moderate blood sugar levels. They help improve digestive health, are packed with powerful antioxidants and can keep you feeling full for a really long time.
  5. Ginger root – Ginger is packed with medicinal properties but did you know that it can help ease period pains, nausea and morning sickness. Along with turmeric ginger is another important ingredient that I use a lot in my cooking. It adds flavor to the recipe, can build your immunity and lower cholesterol levels.
  6. Lemon – Besides the citric flavor that lemon adds to your recipe, it is also a great source of vitamin C. It can support in weight loss and improve your skin quality. I love drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon water first thing in the morning. I feel that it helps my skin glow, aids in digestion as well as weight loss.
  7. Peach – I have primarily used peaches as a fruit in my green smoothie (because I love them!). You can also use mangoes instead. Peaches are packed with many vitamins and minerals and can help reduce allergy symptoms. They are a good source of vitamin C and it’s a healthy option from the fruit pyramid as it’s low sugar.

Now I am sure that all of you would agree with the fact that my green smoothie is not only delicious but also packed with healthy nutrients, vitamins and a lot more. Would love to hear from you guys, if you do try this out!

totally mom-sense