As the weather here in Buffalo is still considerate upon us and the sun is shining bright, we decided to pay a visit to our most favorite place here ‘Buffalo Zoo’ and say ‘hi to our zoo buddies. As Mishika has now started to pinpoint and call out animals and better imitate animal voices, Mayank and I were a little too excited as to how she would react seeing all the animals out of her picture book.
We drove down to the zoo this last Saturday after lunch, packed with snacks, juice, and sweatshirts if we needed them. Mayank and I have been coming down to the zoo even before we had Mishika and would often get funny raised eyebrows from our friends when they would hear us speak about how much fun we had at the zoo. (hahaha..) well, nothing seemed to have changed yet, as surprised as Mishika was (a little lost too because we were there during her naptime!), Mayank and I were very excited to be at the zoo.
Although we arrived at noon, I was surprised that we were among the only few to be out in the zoo on such a sunny day. Although this worked out really well for us as we didn’t have to wait in line for any of the shows or any viewing. The very first animal that we spotted as we entered was the sea lion. If only I could share with you all Mishika’s expression (:))))…she was stunned as to how huge a fishy could get. She kept staring at it and we spent a good forty-five minutes alone in the sea lion observatory.
I practically had to bribe Mishika out of it with cookies as she did not want to leave. I wish there was a better way that we could let the kids know that there is more to explore. Mayank and I often find ourselves in this puddle where Mishika wants to spend her time fixed in a spot as she is stunned or having too much fun and Mayank and I as parents can’t hold our excitement as to the possibility of how much more we can explore.
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Sharing some lovely pictures from our Buffalo zoo trip!

After covering a few animals, we found a carousel ride in the middle of the zoo. Although originally our plan was to head to the zoo cafe and pick something to eat, Mishika again was fixed at a spot and kept saying horsy, horsy!! So here we are, going round and round on the carousel and reliving some fun childhood memories of our own too. Mayank, of course, is behind the lens.

After our carousel ride, we all did start to feel a little hungry and decided to try out some fun picnic bites at the zoo cafe. One thing that has always remained the same for me, is my love for fried food and cotton candy. I feel like that’s my best picnic food and I think this seems to have reciprocated really well with Mishika and Mayank. They too seem to foster the same liking for fried food and cotton candy.

I love how Mishika lovingly takes care of her dad all the time. Although she does like hanging in my arms and loves having me around all the time but she is always on the lookout for Mayank. A few days Mayank had something on his face and Mishika from far came running to him, cleaned his face, and asked him ‘are u ok daddy’… This was so sweet. I am so happy to watch Mishika care for Mayank in such a sweet and loving way. It does bring tears in my eyes watching my little Mishika mature and grow so soon.

We had some cheesy poutine and cotton candy for a snack. I could not be happier.

Our next few stops were the lions, snow leopards, giraffe, petting zoo, farm animals, birds, deer, not to forget the beautiful rainforest, gorilla exhibit, and the scariest reptile family. Right outside the reptile observatory, we had a chance touch a snake (if only i knew the name of the snake to share with you all.. phew!). Unfortunately by the end of it all, my phone as well as Mayank’s phone died and so we were unable to click pics. But in all, it was a beautiful sunny day and glad we could spend such a great time as a family. Sharing a few more pictures that Mayank was able to capture.

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