This is how our last Sunday looked like! Us trying to teach Mishika to throw stones in the water and also trying to hold her tight so that she does not get too close to the water as her excitement was at peak. Although teaching a sixteen month old how to throw stones is a really fun activity and I enjoyed watching Mishika’s expression change with amazement when she saw the stone hitting the water and making the ripples but I completely forgot how small her hand are!! To be able to throw she practically had to walk as close as possible to the creek and almost completely leaned it. Although Mayank took the lead on this, while I enjoyed capturing all these moments in beautiful pictures. And as passionate and loving he is about his little girl, he loved teaching her to throw with complete patience. I love watching these two bond all the time. They love spending time with each other and I find it funny that Mishika likes to call her dad ‘mummy’ and me ‘mama’. I am sure she understands that ‘dada’ means dad but she loves to tease him by calling him ‘mama’ all the time. 🙂
This is one of my favorite park in Buffalo and I come here a lot. The 6 mile walk is peaceful, you can sit on any bench or even better grass and watch the geese and duck swim, wave to the boat riders pass by and just feel the peace within.
It’s been a long dream of Mayank and mine to own our own kayak so that we can spend our time in the water. We are holding on to that dream till our little girl can get her own kayak. Till then, I guess we will be walking by the lake, soaking all the sun, running after Mishika to stop her from doing crazy things and just enjoy this beautiful time spent as a family together.
Sharing some beautiful pictures from our wonderful and absolutely serene time spent near the water. 🙂
I love Mayank and Mishika’s expression in this pic. After multiple tries and click to make Mishika laugh this one was our best one where no one was moving :).
Mayank’s hard work did pay off. Mishika was finally able to learn the art and there were quite a few pebbles that fell far and hard into the water making huge ripples.
Mishika loved laying in the grass while enjoying the sunny weather.I love her cute little dimples so much and I try to make her laugh all the time so that I get to see more of them.
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